
卓越学习中心, 教学, Scholarship and Service (CELTSS) provides professional development support for faculty and librarians at all stages of their careers.

Developed and sustained by faculty and librarians, CELTSS丰富了大学社区, providing support and guidance in a number of ways, from developing focused workshops and mentoring programs, to providing individual and group research awards, to generating thought-provoking events that foster and showcase faculty engagement with a wide range of topics.

CELTSS is designed to be a reflexive and collaborative resource: participants and award recipients are encouraged to pursue their interests and share their experiences with the University community through practica and collaborative events. Offering a range of dynamic activities and events, 以及资助机会, CELTSS promotes and helps sustain the faculty's commitment to multiple forms of academic excellence.

CELTSS成立于2007年10月. It provides support for faculty members during all phases of their careers at Framingham State University. A mentoring program for first- and second-year faculty facilitates their transition to Framingham State. CELTSS funding supports scholarly and creative projects undertaken by faculty members. The Center holds events to discuss pedagogical issues and approaches, to showcase faculty research completed with CELTSS funding, and to honor individual faculty for their achievements. Other CELTSS events include faculty workshops, 阅读组, and a day for students to display their accomplishments.

CELTSS is a faculty-run organization with a steering committee of volunteers from across the disciplines assisting the directors. 第一批CELTSS联合董事是 Bridgett Perry-Galvin心理学教授 伊莱恩·贝林,英语教授. 帕特丽夏Luoto, Professor of Consumer Sciences, subsequently served as a Co-Director. 从2012年到2015年, 凯伦Druffel, 商学教授, 担任主任和克劳迪娅b施普林格,英语教授, 担任助理署长. 从2015年到2018年, 伊莱恩·贝林,英语教授, 曾任导演和Jon Huibregtse, 历史学教授, 担任助理署长. 2020年春季学期, Lina Rincón served as interim Director and May Hara served as Interim Assistant Director.