Program Requirements

Program Requirements

The minor in Science Communication consists of three (3) required courses, one (1) additional course in writing, or visual communication, and one (1) additional science course beyond the General Education requirements of Domain II-B, as follows.

Upon request, internships will be arranged for students who meet the prerequisites for SCCO 495. Application and deadline information is available on the program website.

One (1) course in written, oral, or visual communication:

NOTE: Science Communication is an interdepartmental minor, and as such, students may only take one course from their major to count toward this minor. Accordingly, Communication Arts majors may not take courses in this group with a COMM prefix and English majors may not take courses with an ENGL prefix to satisfy requirements for this minor.

One (1) additional science course beyond the General Education requirements of Domain II-B:

Upon completion of Domain II-B General Education Requirements, students must take one (1) other science course from the list below. The course must have a prefix different from their major and from the other General Education courses they have completed.

NOTE: Students minoring in science communication are also recommended to take a course in statistics.

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