


All students must satisfy a general education requirement consisting of ten (10) courses outside of the major department. 通识教育领域II-B(自然科学)和实验室要求通过完成专业要求来满足.


课程可能有特定的入学条件, 比如提前完成不太高级的课程, 导师许可, 或适当的分班考试成绩. Students should refer to course descriptions in the department listings for prerequisite requirements.


  • 营养科学基础110
  • NUTR 262/262L食品、文化和社会与实验室
  • nutr364 / 364l食品实验室实验研究
  • nutr381医学营养疗法1
  • 食品服务系统
  • NUTR 478社区营养
  • 食品和营养服务管理


All new students, both First-Year or Transfers, admitted into the Food & 营养专业被放在这个预集中. When students are enrolled in or have completed CHEM 300 Principles of Biochemistry, they must apply to either the 营养与营养学 or Coordinated Program in Dietetics concentration.


This pre-concentration begins preparation to become a registered dietitian.

Note: The pre-concentration requirements do not apply to the Nutrition and Food Service Management concentration.


  • biol130 / 130l生物学原理与实验
  • BIOL 235/235L人体生理学原理与实验室
  • 人体解剖学与生理学I with Lab and
  • 人体解剖学和生理学II与实验室
  • 化学107/107L化学原理与实验
  • CHEM 108/108L Principles of Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis with Lab
  • 化学207/207L有机化学I(含实验室
  • 化学300/300L生物化学原理与实验


营养学协调课程(CPD) 4+1课程包括学术要求和监督实践要求,这些要求使学生有资格在获得理学硕士学位毕业后参加营养师注册考试. 进入CPD是有竞争的. Twenty-four (24) undergraduate and graduate students are admitted to this program each year.

Applications are accepted only in the spring semester; applicants must be enrolled in or have completed CHEM 300 Principles of Biochemistry.  最低限度, 第二学期必须是大三学生, 但也接受高年级学生的申请. Transfer students must be matriculated at the University before applying for the concentration.  点击这里申请.

In order to complete undergraduate and graduate requirements within five years, 学生需要注册两门研究生课程, 包括nutr930《十大正规老品牌网赌》.5 course credit) in the summer prior to the start of their fifth year. 继续教育 course tuition/fees apply for courses taken during the Summer Session and fifth year.

完成监督的实习课程和硕士学位是必需的,以便在1月1日收到允许注册营养师考试写作的验证表, 2024.


These courses are in addition to the major core requirements (9 courses) and pre-concentration requirements (5 courses).

  • BIOL 228/228L微生物实验室
  • nutr374人类营养科学
  • nutr481医疗营养治疗II
  • NUTR 481L Medical Nutrition Therapy II Clinical Practice (non-credit)
  • PSYC 101 General Psychology or SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology or ANTH 161 Cultural Anthropology
  • STAT 117 Introduction to Statistics or STAT 203 Statistics for the Natural Sciences or ENVS 202 Data Analysis for Scientists

Required graduate courses (3 courses in the undergraduate senior year, 这将显示为转学课程):

  • NUTR 903高级营养和代谢
  • nutr911营养与教育研究


  • cpsy911辅导实践方向
  • 任何NUTR 900级课程
  • 任何NUED 900级别的课程,除了NUED 914当代学校营养问题或NUED 910课堂营养科学


Students are prepared to meet the requirements of the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). 本专业的学生打算在毕业后申请进入营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)认可的监督实践课程. Twenty-four (24) students are accepted to this concentration each year. 

进入DPD是有竞争的. Applications are accepted only in the spring semester; applicants must be enrolled in or have completed CHEM 300 Principles of Biochemistry. 最低限度, 第二学期需要大二的成绩, 但是大三和大四的学生都可以申请.

  • Students apply to this concentration while they are enrolled in or after completing CHEM 300 Principles of Biochemistry. 除了, transfer students must complete one (1) semester at the University before being accepted into this concentration.
  • 未被本校其他专业录取的营养与饮食学专业或饮食学专业协调课程学生.
  • Minimal requirements for departmental admission into the 营养与营养学 Concentration include a GPA of 2.70分,平均绩点2分.理科课程50分,最低成绩C- (1).70)在任何生物、化学和食品与营养课程中. 申请表格可在此找到.
  • 在他们大四的秋季学期, 学生与DPD主任合作,通过注册NUTR 400准备学院饮食实习(无课程学分),申请acend认可的学士后监督实践计划。.
  • Students are eligible to take the Registration Examination for Dietetic Technicians upon graduation.


These courses are in addition to the major core requirements (9 courses) and pre-concentration requirements (6 courses).

  • BIOL 228/228L微生物实验室
  • NUTR 400 Preparation for Academy Dietetic Internship (non-credit)
  • nutr374人类营养科学
  • nutr481医疗营养治疗II
  • 另外一门200级或以上的HLTH或NUTR课程
  • PSYC 101 General Psychology or SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology orANTH 161 Cultural Anthropology
  • STAT 117 Introduction to Statistics or STAT 208 Biostatistics or ENVS 202 Data Analysis for Scientists

注意:完成本课程的学生已达到参加马萨诸塞州注册营养师(LDN)执照考试的学术要求。. 看到 http://www.质量.gov / ocabr /被许可方/ dpl-boards /怒/.

营养与饮食教育4+1 (une)

Students are prepared to meet the requirements of the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in 营养与营养学 (ACEND). 1月1日生效, 2024, 注册营养师委员会(CDR)将要求最少持有硕士学位才有资格参加资格考试,成为注册营养师(RDN)。. 除了, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice in program(s) accredited by ACEND.

完成本课程的学生将收到一份验证声明,证明他们已经达到了ACEND课程的要求. The concentration also allows students to begin master’s-level studies during their senior year, 作为本科和硕士学位要求的一部分,营养教育硕士课程(M.Ed.). After successful completion of the undergraduate Food and Nutrition concentration in 营养与营养学 Education, 学生通过研究生和继续教育部门完成营养教育硕士学位的剩余课程和笔试. 完成M.Ed. 这个4+1程序的组成部分, students will receive a verification statement attesting that they have met the ACEND master’s degree requirement. 学生可以在4+1课程的本科部分的大四期间或之后申请获得认可的外部监督实践经验. 除了本科生和M.Ed. 这个4+1程序的组成部分, 学生必须完成acend认可的监督实践经验,才有资格参加资格考试,成为一名注册营养师.

  • Students must have at a minimum second semester junior standing to apply to this concentration.
  • Students apply to this concentration while they are enrolled in or after completing CHEM 300 Principles of Biochemistry. 除了, transfer students must complete one (1) semester at the University before being accepted into this concentration.
  • Minimal requirements for the 营养与营养学 Education Concentration include a GPA of 2.70分,平均绩点2分.理科课程50分,最低成绩C- (1).7)任何生物、化学和食品 & 营养课程. 申请表格可于本署网页查阅.
  • 在他们大四的秋季学期, 学生与DPD主任合作,通过注册NUTR 400准备饮食实习(无课程学分),申请acend认可的学士后监督实践计划。.
  • Students are eligible to take the Registration Examination for Dietetic Technicians upon graduation.

营养与营养学 Education 4+1 浓度要求 (8 courses):

These courses are in addition to the major core requirements (9 courses) and pre-concentration requirements (6 courses).

  • BIOL 228/228L微生物实验室
  • nutr374人类营养科学
  • nutr400营养学实习准备(非学分)
  • nutr481医疗营养治疗II
  • nutr495食品与营养实习
  • PSYC 101 General Psychology or SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology or ANTH 161 Cultural Anthropology
  • STAT 117 Introduction to Statistics or STAT 208 Biostatistics or ENVS 202 Data Analysis for Scientists

Required graduate courses (3 courses in the undergraduate senior year, 这将显示为转学课程):

  • NUED 914当代营养问题教育工作者
  • nued970营养教育技术
  • EDIL 920 Learning and Human Development NUTR 005 Preparation for Academy Dietetic Internship (non-credit)



这种跨学科的集中包括营养和营养科学的坚实基础,并提供机会建立重要的管理技能,可以在各种营养和食品相关的工作环境中使用,包括营养和食品教育, 餐饮服务管理, 学校营养, 以及社区项目管理.


  • ACCT 220财务会计入门
  • BIOL 142/142L人类生物学入门与实验室或
    • BIOL 235/235L人体生理学原理与实验室
  • 化学103/103L入门化学与实验室或
    • 化学107/107L化学原理与实验
  • CHEM 201/201L Introductory Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry with Lab or
    • 化学207/207L有机化学I(含实验室
  • 公共卫生和流行病学
  • MGMT 280 Organizational Behavior or ENTR 301 Cultivating and Managing Innovation
  • MRKT 181营销原则
  • nutr495食品与营养实习


  • COMM 215科学传播
  • COMM 226视觉媒体写作
  • 组织沟通
  • 跨文化交际
  • 英语286专业写作
  • engl311科学写作
  • engl338授权写作
  • 商务写作


持续专业进修课程只接受申请. Applications are accepted in the spring semester for entrance the following fall. You must be matriculated as either an undergraduate or graduate student to apply to the CPD. 

营养与营养学和营养浓度协调计划由营养与营养学学院营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)认可, 南滨江广场120号, 2190套房, 芝加哥, IL 60606-6995; 312-899-0040, 扩展5400; http://www.eatright.org/ACEND.



安德里亚·戈尔曼博士.D.,女士,rd, LDN

Professor, Director, Coordinated Program in Dietetics, Nutrition & 健康研究
